Friday 17 October 2014

AET chooses PWC as partner in outsourcing non-teaching roles including SBMs

From the The Observer (20 Sept 2014): Academy Enterprise Trust (AET) 'wants to set up a limited liability partnership with PwC'... which AET admits is entirely new to academy trusts.'

The joint venture would take responsibilityfor: providing school business managers, IT staff, secretarial staff, and finanicial expertise, along with speech and language therapy provision, education psychology, education welfare, curriculum development and professional development.

Union reaction: Sheffield Unison: 'It seems that AET cannot establish the JV with a private partner without the explicit agreement of the EFA. The trade unions welcome this intervention by the Government and EFA which we believe has come about as a direct result of our lobbying and interventions by MPs in Parliament.'

From NASUWT:'' The AET statement only says that staff will not be transferred without ‘consultation’ with heads, governors and unions. The joint unions fear that an unprecedented range of jobs and services in schools are now at real risk of being transferred to a joint venture partnership with a private company.'

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