Saturday 30 August 2014

FT looks at Swedish model and growing concern over profit making

Some of the many points raised in an FT feature - Free schools: lessons in store:

The paper said AcadeMedia makes about 7 per cent profit, or SKr528m a year before tax, on its schools and preschools, adding that the business must attract more customers to make more money.

The company 'receives SKr5.1bn ($730m) a year from the government to run 285 schools and preschools across the country, as well as 130 adult education facilities.'

The paper said AcadeMedia makes about 7 per cent profit, or SKr528m a year before tax, on its schools and preschools, adding that the business must attract more customers to make more money.

AcadeMedia admits that its pupil to teacher ratio is higher than in public schools and that it pays its teachers less.

The FT said: 'Swedes were appalled by reports that the Hälsans chain of preschools had cut its food budget to SKr9 ($1.30) per child per day.'

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