Friday, 7 August 2015

More than 10% of academies haven't submitted budget forecasts on time

The EFA's academies bulletin from August 6 says: 'Reminder: submission of budget forecast returns due 31 July. Nearly 90% of academy trusts open as at 31 March 2015 submitted their budget forecast for the 2015 to 2016 academic year by the deadline of 31 July 2015.'

SAT to sponsor-led MAT application simplified

From the 6 August EFA academies bulletin: 'Changing from a single academy trust to a sponsor-led multi-academy trust Single academy trusts (SAT) applying to become sponsors are no longer required to undertake a separate application to become a multi-academy trust (MAT) through the Department for Education (DfE) significant change process.

Inspiration Trust's takeover of Hewett School coverage

Hewett School in Norwich had a £430k deficit due to falling pupil numbers over nine years -(demographics and/or competition) and was put into Special Measures by Ofsted last year.

Thursday, 6 August 2015

AET shelves academy merger to save money

AET has shelved merger plans for two academies and appointed new heads - reports the Essex Chronicle  (story from July 20)

Warning letters to academy trusts

The TES reports that the DfE has updated its list of warning letters to academy sponsors and multi-academy trusts. The latest of these is a warning letter from Dominic Herrington, Regional Schools Commissioner, which was given the title of a 'Pre-Termination Warning Notice Letter to the Directors of Oasis Community Learning.'

Rival bids to run academies

Cambridge News: Cambridgeshire schools’ rival bids to run new Cambridge academy - Impington Village College will be up against Chesterton Community College

Parents upset by secret talks with MAT

Eastern Daily Press reports Sprowston High School is one of the few non-academy secondary schools in greater Norwich, but that could change after it announced a consultation on joining the Norwich-based Right for Success Trust.

Sutton Trust report press round ups

Sutton Trust press release and link to report: Three quarters of academy chains contain schools below ‘coasting’ definition, research finds

Ofsted inadequate linked to growth delay for MAT?

From the Birmingham Mail: PLANS to open the sixth in a chain of Birmingham free schools have been put on hold – weeks after one of them was plunged into special measures...'

Guardian questions Inspiration motives

From the Guardian 'Why would a head feel 'sick' about the positive Ofsted results of a neaby school' - asking if competition for growth distorting values in MATs.

Ormiston Park Academy gets Exec Principal

In June 2015 Your Thurrock reported that Ormiston Park Academy has appointed Julie Bloor, headteacher at Shirebrook Academy (not an Ormiston academy), as executive principle. She will work alongside principal Huw Derrick.

Ark staff moves in Birmingham (May 2015)

From the Birmingham Post in May 2015: 'Oldknow is set to be renamed Ark Chamberlain Primary Academy as it battles to break with its troubled past... Rebecca Garratt, current head teacher at Ark Tindal Primary Academy in Balsall Heath – the school lined up to provide support to Oldknow – will leave the Ark chain at the end of August... '