Thursday, 1 October 2015

MATs included in DfE financial benchmarking for the first time

According to the EFA's latest Academies Bulletin: "The Department for Education has updated the academies financial benchmarking website with 2013 to 2014 income and expenditure data. For the first time we have included income and expenditure details for academies in multi-academy trusts."

Four London boroughs no longer on deprivation index

The Office of National Statistics has published its 'English indices of deprivation 2015' in which one of its headlines is: 'The 20 most deprived local authorities are largely the same as found for the 2010 Index, but the London Boroughs of Hackney, Tower Hamlets, Newham and Haringey have become relatively less deprived and no longer feature in this list.'

Academy given powers to issue parking fines

A report from ITV says: 'A school in Thurrock has become the first in the country to be given the power to issue parking fines. From this week, a parent volunteer will begin patrolling the streets around Tilbury Pioneer Academy where there have been growing problems of the roads being clogged by parked cars.'

NGA: Academy founders underestimated charity status

An article in Third Sector magazine includes comments from Emma Knights, CEO of the National Governors Association, comparing the problems of Kids Company with those facing academies - where problems may be caused by what she sees an increasing number of founders being trustees. She said she recently spoke to a