Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Local Schools Network: Academies as vehicles for investors

Local Schools Network blog: How many academy trusts are a "vehicle" for investors wishing to profit from running England's schools? 


Schools and companies mentioned:

Breckland free school: management to IES (Internationella Engelska Skolan), a Swedish for-profit provider which has been bought by a US private equity firm - TA Associates as mentioned in this TES article -

Kunskapsskollan and its not-for-profit subsidiary, Learning Schools Trust.

GEMS Learning Trust - non-profit arm of GEMS Education. (Ex-Ofsted chair, Zenna Atkins, was at the helm of GEMS for a few weeks before joining Wey Education.)

Wey Education subsidiary Zail Enterprises Ltd has Wey Education Schools Trust aiming to open its first school in 2014.

Prospects (www.prospects.co.uk) or Prospects Improve (www.prospectsimprove.co.uk)

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