Friday, 24 January 2014

Oxford heads discuss financial freedom and performance

From the Oxford Mail:

Simon Spiers, headteacher at King Alfred’s School in Wantage, believes the freedom academies have could make a difference...
'He said: “You can read into it what you like but the freedom it brings can be used in different ways. '“Here we have outstanding governance and we are very fortunate that they bring a forensic approach to the analysis of our data and therefore we are challenged continuously.”'

'Didcot Girls’ School headteacher Rachael Warwick believes it is partly due to the performance of the school before it became an academy.
'She said: “To become an academy which is not sponsored you have to come from a strong base to begin with. The schools which are sponsored come from a lower starting point and things will gradually improve.
“To be honest, with the freedom we have had money wise, most of it has gone on investing in the school’s refurbishment more than specifically teaching."'

'...St Birinus headteacher Alwyn Roberts, said: “I don’t think our academy status has changed our teaching process. I have been here three years and that should be starting to make an impact now.
“The governance of schools is one thing that can make a difference and they can really help a school to focus.”'

'...Wyll Willis, head at Wallingford School, said hard work was one important factor to get good results.
He said: “It is easy for me to attract good teachers to Wallingford because the young people are easy to work with. But it is about working really hard to get the best results you can."'

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